Lipomyces starkeyi: una cell factory per la produzione di biodiesel di nuova generazione da canne giganti infestanti. Quarto appuntamento con il nuovo progetto DSCM di comunicazione della scienza nato dalla collaborazione con Microbiologia Italia. L’articolo divulgativo del mese di aprile è stato realizzato e curato dal Dott. Nicola Di Fidio. La transizione da un’economia basata sulle risorse fossili ad una bioeconomia è un obiettivo globale attuale volto a contrastare alcune importanti problematiche, come i cambiamenti climatici e l’inquinamento ambientale; e per ridurre la dipendenza delle attività antropiche dalle fonti fossili.
Congratulations to our Ph.D. student Gianni Pecorini for his book chapter entitled “Mechanical Characterization of Additive Manufactured Polymeric Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering" in the book entitled "Biomimetic Biomaterials forTissue Regeneration and Drug Delivery". In the last decades, tissue engineering has become a promising and important field of research that is opening new perspectives for the treatment of tissue diseases or injuries.
Congratulations to our Ph.D. student Alberto Gobbo for his scientific publication entitled “A Green Synthesis of Carbene-Metal-Amides (CMAs) and Carboline-Derived CMAs with Potent in Vitro and ex Vivo Anticancer Activity” in ChemMedChem. The synthesis of Carbene-Metal-Amide (CMA) complexes based on the coinage metals (Au, Ag, Cu) and N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) as ancillary ligands is improved by circumventing the use of toxic organic solvents which were previously required for their purification.
Congratulations to our PhD student Edoardo Cignoni for his perspective entitled "The atomistic modeling of light-harvesting complexes from the physical models to the computational protocol" published in the Journal of Chemical Physics. The function of light-harvesting complexes is determined by a complex network of dynamic interactions among all the different components: the aggregate of pigments, the protein, and the surrounding environment.