DSCM PhD program can be accessed in two ways:
1) Through a regular call for all candidates. Call is announced in April, and the deadline is usually in July. This is the necessary procedure to obtain a PhD grant. Every year, one DSCM position with grant is reserved exclusively to students graduated abroad.
2) Foreign students with own funds may apply as “soprannumerari” (extra) students.

Information on how to enrol in the PhD program may be found on the University website. The application process for the current year may be reached through the first item on the left column.

The internal organization of DSCM prescribes for each year a series of duties and deadlines summarized in this document, including annual research seminars that will be evaluated by Doctorate Board members according to the template at this link

1st-year students must follow (and pass the final test if required) the following courses:
1a) at least 2 series of lectures (courses) organized for the Doctorate course, for at least 32h overall; see “Courses” webpage;
1b) as an alternative to 1a), for an equivalent number of hours and after obtaining an authorization by the doctorate board, students may follow courses of “transversal didactics” organized by University of Pisa, or the courses organized by other doctorate courses, or national/international schools;
2) at least 4 scientific seminars at the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry or other Universities or entities;
3) the English course “English for Research Publication and Presentation Purposes” organized by UNIPI;
4) the student must also give lecture (1h) within a course of the Master degree in Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry or similar degrees.

The way the various activities are evaluated varies from case to case. Attendance to courses 1a) must be certified, and there might be an oral exam with the course teacher, whose result must be communicated by e-mail to the coordinator. Courses of type 1b) may have a final test. For activities of type 2), attendance must be certified. The English course 4) has a starting and a final test. Lecture 4) must be communicated by e-mail to the coordinator by the course teacher.

During the first year of the course, each student must prepare a personal web page for the dedicated page on the DSCM website (PhD students -> Active Cycles menu). The personal page must contain the information listed in this template and should be updated every 6-12 months. To publish and update the webpage, please contact Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.. When you update the page, please clearly highlight the changes made.

2nd and 3rd-year students must follow (and pass the final test if required) the following courses:
1a) at least 2 series of lectures (courses) organized for the Doctorate course, for at least 28h overall over the two years; see “Courses” webpage;
1b) as an alternative to 1a), for an equivalent number of hours and after obtaining an authorization by the doctorate board, students may follow courses of “transversal didactics” organized by University of Pisa, or the courses organized by other doctorate courses, or national/international schools.

In addition, 2nd-year students are involved in the organization of Chemistry for the Future, a yearly conference held at the DCCI in the first week of July.

All students are invited to announce on the "PhD Board" (website homepage) publications of co.-authored papers, awards received, invitations to conferences, etc. The form is accessible from the menu “PhD students -> Showcase form” after logging in at the bottom right of the homepage (credentials are communicated by the Coordinator).


Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
Via G. Moruzzi, 13 - Pisa, Italy
Corso di Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche e dei Materiali
Doctoral School in Chemistry and Material Science
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