Campi Cecilia

39th cycle [2023-2026]

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Prof. Andrea Pucci and Prof. Carlo Adamo

Title of the PhD project
Design, preparation and mechanochromic features of chromogenic dyes embedded in functional polymers
Joint PhD University of Pisa (UniPi) ed Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris / Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL)

Abstract of the PhD project
Excessive mechanical stress on polymeric materials can result in the rupture of macromolecular chains, causing degradation and macroscopic failures. Implementing reliable strain monitoring may serve as a potent preventive measure against premature and potentially debilitating damage. The Mama project aims to develop integrated computational approaches for the description and rational design of innovative mechanochromic materials, i.e. materials whose optical properties change in response to an external mechanical stimulus. This mechanochromic response will be imparted to various commercial elastomers, thermoplastic and thermoset polymers, either by introducing dispersed chromophores into the pristine matrix or by integrating the active molecule directly into the polymer chain. In particular, I will be in charge of the synthesis and characterization of model experimental systems, in order to validate the theoretical approaches developed within the project. These systems will be realized by the selective design and synthesis of chromogenic dyes able to experience a modification of their molecular or sovramolecular architecture once embedded into a polymer matrix as covalently-linked or dispersed probes. Such probes will be properly introduced in the selected polymers via processing in solution or in the solid state or by chemical functionalization processes. Once a mechanical stress is applied to the dye-doped polymer, a prompt colour variation will be detected in absorption and/or in emission, with optical variations strictly related to the disaggregation of the dispersed chromogenic dyes or to their molecular isomerization.

Academic Fields and Disciplines (SSD), main and secondary

Educational and third mission activities
• Presentation of smart polymer group’s research activities at Bright-Night, 29 september 2023.
• On 14/12/2023, I delivered a lecture on the chemical modification of polymeric materials as part of the Polymers of Industrial Interest course (166CC, a.y. 2023/24).
• Event presentation and set-up ”70 anni dalla nascita del polipropilene. 60 anni dal premio Nobel a Giulio Natta”, on 1/03/24 at the DCCI.
• Presentation of smart polymer group’s research activities at Bright-Night, 27 september 2024.
• From 25/10/2024 to 25/11/2024 I will be assisting with the teaching labs for the Polymers of Industrial Interest Course (166CC, a.y. 2024-25; 30h).
• Teaching assistance during a guided tour of Ineos Manufacturing Italia S.p.a., on 3/12/24 for the Polymers of Industrial Interest Course (166CC, a.y. 2024-25).

• C. Micheletti, L. Soldati et al., ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2024, 6, 6572−6580.

Oral communications at conferences
• “Design, preparation and mechanochromic features of N-alkyl diketopyrrolopyrrole derivatives dyes Embedded in functional polymers”. Luca Soldati, Marco Carlotti, Andrea Pucci and Carlo Adamo. EuChems2024 (Dublin, 7-11 July 2024).

Poster communications at conferences
• “Synthesis of conjugated polymers with redox pendants as cathodes for secondary batteries”. Luca Soldati, Andrea Pucci, Marco Carlotti. Merck Young Chemists’ Symposium (MYCS) 2023, Rimini, 13-15 November 2023.
• “Mechanochromic Polyolefin Elastomers”. Luca Soldati, Marco Carlotti, Andrea Pucci and Carlo Adamo. Società Chimica Italiana (Sci2024) (Milan, 26-30 August 2024).

ERC-2022-ADG Project: 101097351“MaMa” is acknowledged for financial support.

Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
Via G. Moruzzi, 13 - Pisa, Italy
Corso di Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche e dei Materiali
Doctoral School in Chemistry and Material Science
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