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Prof. Francesco Pineider, Dr.Guido Toci

Title of the PhD project:
Magnetoplasmonic metasurfaces for chiral sensing

Abstract of the PhD project:
The PhD project aims to identify the possible application prospects of a specific branch of nanotechnology, that of the nanostructuring of surfaces (the so-called metasurfaces) for optical applications, in the spectral bands from visible to far infrared with the final goal of tuning the optical response of metasurfaces with external stimuli. A metasurface is a surface covered with arrays of dielectric or metallic structures of sub-wavelength size, designed to give rise to coherent scattering effects of an electromagnetic incident wave. By properly designing the metasurface it is possible to control the shape of the wavefront reflected or diffused by the metasurface, depending on the incoming direction, wavelength, polarization of the incident light. In optics, this new approach allowed the creation of ultrathin optical elements with a thickness lower than the wavelength of incoming light. Research findings indicate that these technologies allow the creation of optical components with unusual properties, and with extremely reduced thicknesses and dimensions (of the order of the wavelength). Although static metasurfaces have been extensively studied, the practical realization of their full potential in optical applications necessitates the development of reconfigurable metasurfaces with the capability to dynamically adjust their optical response in real-time. This adaptation enables the real-time adjustment of their optical responses. Accordingly, this PhD project will emphasize the potential to manipulate the optical properties of a metasurface using external stimuli such as magnetic fields, electrical biases, optical stimuli, temperature gradients, and mechanical stress factors.

• Santonocito, Alberto, Barbara Patrizi, and Guido Toci. "Recent advances in tunable metasurfaces and their application in optics." Nanomaterials 13.10 (2023): 1633.
• Maksimov, Roman N., et al. "Structural, spectroscopic and laser properties of transparent Tm: YScO3 ceramic based on gas-phase synthesized nanoparticles." Optical Materials 151 (2024): 115309.

Oral communications at conferences

Poster communications at conferences:
• Pirri, A., Maksimov, R. N., Santonocito, A., Shitov, V. A., Patrizi, B., Vannini, M., ... & Toci, G. (2023, October). Tm3+ ions doped mixed sesquioxides laser ceramics: an indepth characterization of spectroscopic, structural and laser behavior. In Laser Applications Conference (pp. JW2A-18). Optica Publishing Group.

Other achievements:

Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
Via G. Moruzzi, 13 - Pisa, Italy
Corso di Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche e dei Materiali
Doctoral School in Chemistry and Material Science
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