Paolino Federico

Cycle / Years
40th cycle [2024-2027]

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Prof. Alessandra Operamolla and Prof. Jeannette Łucejko

Title of the PhD project
Electronic devices printed on functionalized nanopaper

Abstract of the PhD project
In recent years, sensors have gained a place in every aspect of life. From blood sugar measurement to complex arrays in modern cars, every aspect of life is controlled by one or multiple sensors. To simplify their application in some fields, like biomedical or food monitoring, flexibility of the substrate is required. Furthermore, with the growing attention to plastic pollution, an alternative to standard supporting materials is needed. Paper has already been proven a valid option for a flexible, renewable, recyclable and biodegradable substrate for electronic devices. This project will focus on the use of commercial paper from Fedrigoni Spa as a substrate for small electronic devices. From the characterization of the starting material to the final product(s), various aspect will be evaluated like the printing process for the electronic traces, the optimization of the device(s) for the desired application, etc.

Academic Fields and Disciplines (SSD), main and secondary
Chim01; Chim06

Educational and third mission activities



Oral communications at conferences

Poster communications at conferences

Other achievements

PNRR (d.m. n. 630/2024) partially funded by Fedrigoni Spa


Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
Via G. Moruzzi, 13 - Pisa, Italy
Corso di Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche e dei Materiali
Doctoral School in Chemistry and Material Science
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