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Prof. Chiara Gabbiani, Dr. Alessandro Pratesi

Title of the PhD project:
Gold-based cytotoxic complexes for targeted anticancer treatment

Abstract of the PhD project:
In cancer cells, mitochondrial thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) overexpression has a key role on mitochondrial metabolism deregulation and apoptosis evasion, thus representing an interesting druggable target for new anticancer compounds. The studies on the antiproliferative properties of Auranofin as TrxR inhibitor opened a new interesting research field on Au complexes as prospective anticancer drugs. The aim of this project will be the synthesis, characterization and investigation of the biological activity of new cytotoxic gold complexes with possible anticancer properties. For this purpose, the Au-complexes will be functionalized and delivered according to a mitochondrial-targeting strategy, that represents a promising challenge to be explored in order to discover new TrxR inhibitors. Specifically, three approaches will be tested: functionalization with peptoids, nanoparticles delivery, fluorescent labelling.

• C. Santi, F. Marini, L. Bagnoli, L. Sancineto, M. Palomba, B. Monti, F. Mangiavacchi, S. Alocchi, F. Begini, L. Capoccia, G. Cappelloni, M. Cardinali, V. Chiericoni, E. Coarelli, L. Della Rina, E. De Monte, G. Di Salvo, E. Giorgi et al., Proceedings of the The 21st International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 2017, 21. DOI:10.3390/ecsoc-21-04851 “Organoselenium Chemistry: after 200 years the "Gold Rush" is still open”.
• B. Monti, L. Sancineto, L. Abenante, E. Giorgi, L. Bagnoli, F. Marini, E. J. Lenardao, C. Santi, Proceedings of the 20th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 2016, 20, a031. DOI:10.3390/ecsoc-20-a031 “Ultrasound mediated synthesis of ecofriendly zinc chalcogenates in "on water conditions".

Oral communications at conferences:
• E. Giorgi, B. Carli, B. Monti, M. Leonardi, J. C. Menéndez, E. J. Lenardao, C. Santi, WSeS-8 (8th Workshop of SeS Redox and Catalysis) 30 May - 1 June 2019, Perugia, Italy, “Ring opening of epoxides promoted by mechanochemical activation”.
• B. Monti, E. Giorgi, L. Capoccia, B. Carli, S. Minestrini, V. Chiericoni, L. Bagnoli, F. Marini, E. J. Lenardão, C. Santi, ISOS 2019 - XLIV "A. Corbella" International Summer School on Organic Synthesis 9-13 June 2019, Gargnano, Italy, “Novel Stable Zinc Selenates: Synthesis and Reactivity”.
• B. Monti, E. Giorgi, L. Capoccia, B. Carli, S. Minestrini, V. Chiericoni, L. Bagnoli, F. Marini, E. J. Lenardão, C. Santi, 14th International Conference on the Chemistry of Selenium and Tellurium (ICCST-14) 3-7 June 2019, Santa Margherita di Pula, Italy, “Novel Stable Zinc Selenates: Synthesis and Reactivity”.

Poster communications at conferences:
• E. Giorgi, B. Carli, B. Monti, M. Leonardi, F. Marini, J. C. Menéndez, C. Santi, WSeS-8 (8th Workshop of SeS Redox and Catalysis) 30 May - 1 June 2019, Perugia, Italy, “Michael-Type Additions and Ring Opening of Epoxides with Zinc Selenates using Non-Conventional Methods”.
• B. Monti, L. Capoccia, B. Carli, E. Giorgi, F. G. Nacca, E. J. Lenardão, C. Santi, II ESSeTe - WSeS-7 (VII Encontro sobre Enxofre, Selenio e Telurio - 7th Workshop of SeS Redox and Catalysis) 3-6 September 2018, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, “Non-conventional Conditions for Ring Opening of Epoxides and Michael Addition Mediated by Soluble Zinc Selenates”.
• E. Giorgi, O. Merlino, B. Monti, M. Leonardi, J.C. Menéndez, E.J. Lenardao, C. Santi, WSeS-6 (6th Workshop Network Selenium Sulfur and Redox Catalysis) 22-23 September 2017, Wrocław, Poland. “Zinc Selenates in mechanochemically activated reactions".

Other achievements:


Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
Via G. Moruzzi, 13 - Pisa, Italy
Corso di Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche e dei Materiali
Doctoral School in Chemistry and Material Science
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