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Prof. Fabio Di Francesco

Development of a biosensor array to monitor athletes’ performances

Physiological concentrations of lactate, pyruvate, uric acid and testosterone provide information about muscle state, oxygen transport, nutritional and hydration status, therefore they are widely used as indicators to assess health and training status of athletes. To date conventional methods such as enzymatic assay, immunoassay and chromatography have been applied to measure the concentration levels of such molecules in blood. However, they are costly, time consuming, need sample pre-treatment, and require trained personnel. Sensors may represent an interesting alternative to classical analytical techniques due to their proprieties like: low cost, fast response and sensitivity. The aim of the project is the development of an electrochemical biosensor array to allow the detection of: lactate, pyruvate, uric acid and testosterone in sweat. This multiple detection device will be able to monitor athletes’ performances and physical conditions, providing a broader level of information regarding injury risk and overtraining.

- Arno Kirchhain, Noemi Poma, Pietro Salvo, Lorena Tedeschi, Bernardo Melai, Federico Vivaldi, Andrea Bonini, Maria Franzini, Laura Caponi, Arianna Tavanti, Fabio Di Francesco, Biosensors for monitoring matrix metalloproteinases: an emerging research field, Trends in Analytical Chemistry

Oral communications at congress:

Poster communications at congress:
- A. Bonini, E. Herrera, F. Vivaldi, B. Melai, N. Poma, P. Salvo, A. Kirchhain, F. Di Francesco. Disposable pH biosensor for urea measurement. XXVII Congress of the Analytical Chemistry Division, 2018. Bologna (Italy), 16-20 September.


Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
Via G. Moruzzi, 13 - Pisa, Italy
Corso di Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche e dei Materiali
Doctoral School in Chemistry and Material Science
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