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Prof. Erika Ribechini

Advanced analytical pyrolysis techniques for studying complex mixtures of natural and synthetic polymers

My project will explore and develop innovative approaches based on analytical pyrolysis for the characterization of natural and synthetic polymers in the fields of renewable energy. Fast pyrolysis-gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) is a powerful tool for the study of polymers, as it reveals the chemistry of their decomposition pathway with an extensive control of the experimental parameters. The major aim of the project will be the understanding of the complex reactions and synergistic effects that exist during the co-pyrolysis of biomass and plastics. In my investigations, a “bottom-up” approach will be adopted, starting with the study of the simplest polymers and moving to more complex systems in order to carry out a systematic study about how polymers behave and interact under pyrolysis.


• J. La Nasa, F. Nardella, L. Andrei, M. Giani, I. Degano, M.P. Colombini, E. Ribechini, “Profiling of high molecular weight esters by flow injection analysis-high resolution mass spectrometry for the characterization of raw and archaeological beeswax and resinous substances”, Talanta, 212, 2020
• J. La Nasa, L. Nodari, F. Nardella, F. Sabatini, I. Degano, F. Modugno, S. Legnaioli, B. Campanella, M.K. Tufano, M. Zuena, P. Tomasin, “Chemistry of Modern Paint Media: the Strained and Collapsed Painting by Alexis Harding”, Microchemical Journal, 155, 2020
F. Nardella, M. Mattonai, E. Ribechini, “Evolved gas analysis-mass spectrometry and isoconversional methods for the estimation of component-specific kinetic data in wood pyrolysis”, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 145, 2020
• J. La Nasa, F. Nardella, F. Modugno, M. P. Colombini, E. Ribechini, I. Degano, “SIFT-ing archaeological artifacts: Selected ion flow tube-mass spectrometry as a new tool in archaeometry”, Talanta, 207, 2020
F. Nardella, N. Landi, I. Degano, M. Colombo, M. Serradimigni, C. Tozzi, E. Ribechini “Chemical investigations of bitumen from Neolithic archaeological excavations in Central-Southern Italy by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry combined with principal component analysis”, Analytical Methods 11 (11), 1449-1459, 2019

Oral communications at congress:
F. Nardella, M. Mattonai, E. Ribechini, Evolved gas analysis-mass spectrometry as a new tool for the thermo-chemical and kinetic analysis of lignocellulosic biomass, 7th MS J-DAY, Bolzano, Italy (May 27, 2019)
F. Nardella, M. Colombo, M. Serradimigni, C. Tozzi, E. Ribechini, Innovative approaches based on analytical pyrolysis for the characterization of archaeological bitumen: the case of bituminous mixture from Italian Neolithic stone tools, XVII Congresso Nazionale Chimica dell’ambiente e beni culturali (SCI), Genova, Italy (June 24-27, 2018)
F. Nardella, M. Colombo, M. Serradimigni, C. Tozzi, I. Degano, E. Ribechini, Gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric investigations of bitumen from Neolithic flint flakes recovered from archaeological excavations in Central-Southern Italy, X Congresso Nazionale AIAr, Torino, Italy (February 14-17, 2018)

Poster communications at congress:
F. Nardella, J. Prothmann, M. Sandahl, M. Mattonai, E. Ribechini, C. Turner, Optimization of lignin extraction from woodchips using supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) and CO2-expanded liquid extraction (CXLE), Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference 2020, Online event (October 13-15, 2020)
F. Nardella, M. Mattonai and E. Ribechini, Analytical Pyrolysis for the studies of natural and synthetic polymers, World Sustainable Energy Days 2020, Wels (March 4-5, 2020)
F. Nardella, M. Mattonai and E. Ribechini, Pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass: EGA-MS as a new tool for thermochemical and kinetic studies, Chemistry for the Future 2019, Pisa (July 3-5, 2019)
F. Nardella, N. Landi, I. Degano, E. Ribechini, Chemical investigations of bitumen from Neolithic archaeological excavations in Central-Southern Italy by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and analytical pyrolysis, Chemistry for the Future 2018, Pisa (July 4-6, 2018) and XL National Congress on Calorimetry, Thermal Analysis and Chemical Thermodynamics (AICAT 2018), Pisa, Italy (December 17-19, 2018)


Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
Via G. Moruzzi, 13 - Pisa, Italy
Corso di Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche e dei Materiali
Doctoral School in Chemistry and Material Science
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