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Prof. Marco Geppi

Development of new experimental and data processing methods at critical signal-to-noise conditions in nuclear magnetic resonance.

The aim of this project is to develop new d-DNP tracer formulations and data analysis technique to be applied for studying patho-physiological conditions (e.g. cancer, heart disease, inflammation) in living organs.
I will use 13C enriched metabolite to investigate the alteration on metabolic pathway which are related to cardiac and oncological pathologies and the of use hyperpolarized (1H) water, as MRI contrast agent for cardiovascular disease.
The NMR signal processing algorithms studied during the project will be collected in an open source library.

Journal articles:
De Nisi, F., R. Francischello, A. Battisti, A. Panniello, E. Fanizza, M. Striccoli, X. Gu, N. L. C. Leung, B. Z. Tang, and A. Pucci. "Red-emitting AIEgen for luminescent solar concentrators." Materials Chemistry Frontiers (2017)


Oral communications at congress:
A. Pucci , De Nisi, F., R. Francischello, A. Battisti, A. Panniello, E. Fanizza, M. Striccoli, X. Gu, N. L. C. Leung, B. Z. Tang. "A red-emitting AIEgen for luminescent solar concentrators." The Third International Symposium on Aggregation Induced Emission: Materials, Mechanisms and Applications (2017)

Poster communications at congress:
R. Francischello, M. Francischello, M. Geppi "Analyis of complex line shapes i time-domain NMR: a novel approach", GIDRM XLVII National Congress on Magnetic Resonance (September 2018)


Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
Via G. Moruzzi, 13 - Pisa, Italy
Corso di Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche e dei Materiali
Doctoral School in Chemistry and Material Science
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