Prof. Tommaso Lomonaco, Dr. Pietro Salvo
Title of the PhD project:
Field-effect systems and 2D nanomaterials for biological applications
Abstract of the PhD project:
The incidence of melanoma is rapidly rising, and late diagnoses are often associated with metastasis and high mortality rates. However, early detection can result in a 98% survival rate. Circulating tumour cells (CTCs) play a critical role in mediating metastasis and provide valuable insights into disease progression.
Elena's project focuses on integrating field-effect transistor (FET) technology with advanced 2D nanomaterials, such as Transition Metal Dichalcogenides and MXenes, within a lab-on-a-chip platform for the isolation of CTCs. The unique electrical properties of these materials are expected to significantly enhance FET performance, while antibodies specific to CTC biomarkers will ensure the necessary selectivity. The system will be optimized and validated using blood samples from melanoma patients.
Her research on the application of 2D nanomaterials for biosensor development is also contributing to the European project “Kermit” ( Currently, Elena is conducting a research stay at Silicon Austria Labs in Villach, Austria, where she is gaining expertise in electrochemical sensor fabrication and microfluidics integration.
• E. De Gregorio, F. M. Miliani, F.M. Vivaldi, N. Calisi, N. Poma, A. Tavanti, C. Duce, F. Nardella, S. Legnaioli, A. G. Carota, L. Strambini, D. Biagini, T. Lomonaco, F. Di Francesco, P. Salvo, A casein-based biodegradable and sustainable capacitive sensor, (2024), Mater. Chem. Phys., 314, 128888,
Oral communications at conferences
• E. De Gregorio, N. Calisi, L. Tedeschi, N. Poma, F. M. Vivaldi, T. Lomonaco, P. Salvo “2D nanomaterials for biological applications”, XXX Congresso della Divisione di Chimica Analitica, Vasto (CH), September 17th – 21st, 2023.
• E. De Gregorio, G. Matteoli, S. Zanotti, L. Tedeschi, T. Lomonaco, P. Salvo “A wearable lab-on-chip to measure the concentration of urea in chronic wounds”, EWMA 2024, London (UK), May 01st – 03rd (Poster + 3 minute presentation)
Poster communications at conferences:
• E. De Gregorio, F. Vivaldi, P. Salvo “Development of a green biodegradable starch-based electrochemical sensor”, CFF 2022 - Chemistry for the Future, Pisa, June 29th – July 1st, 2022.
• E. De Gregorio, N. Calisi, L. Tedeschi, N. Poma, F. M. Vivaldi, T. Lomonaco, P. Salvo “2D nanomaterials for biological applications”, CFF 2023 – Chemistry for the Future, Pisa, June 28th – 30th, 2023 (Poster + Flash presentation).
Other achievements: