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39th cycle [2023-2026]

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Dr. Tommaso Lomonaco, Prof. Stefano Masi

Title of the PhD project
PERICARD: a targeted Plasmatic pEptidomic profile foR monitoring CARdiovascular Diseases

Abstract of the PhD project
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels that belong to non-communicable diseases. They include coronary artery disease, thromboembolism, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmia, and stroke, among others. While molecular pathways involved in the initiation and evolution of CVDs have been extensively explored and partially established, imaging studies and routine laboratory tests lack diagnostic efficacy in 50% of CV events. Nowadays, clinical use of peptides is rapidly increasing since most of them play a crucial role in maintaining tissue homeostasis. They are smaller than proteins, hence they may rapidly enter the bloodstream (i.e., due to passive diffusion), unlike proteins that may need to be actively secreted. Furthermore, their plasma concentration can potentially reflect an altered vascular biology. Simultaneous analysis of a panel of peptides may represent a potential approach to monitor the complex and multifactorial nature of CVDs.
The aim of this project is to develop and validate the first reliable analytical protocol based on targeted top-down peptidomics and UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis for the determination of an array of cardiovasculary active peptides (i.e., Endothelins, Urotensins, Cystatin C, Fibrinopeptides, Guanylins) in plasma samples. In collaboration with the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the University of Pisa, a pilot study will be conducted aimed at finding possible correlations between the target peptides and clinical variables. PERICARD would represent an innovative tool to better identify “vulnerable” individuals, diagnose disease conditions promptly, and effectively prognosticate and treat patients with the disease.

Academic Fields and Disciplines (SSD), main and secondary

• Lenzi, A., De Cristofaro, M., Biagini, D., Ghimenti, S., Armenia, S., Pugliese, N. R., ... & Lomonaco, T. (2024). Development of a high-throughput liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry platform for the determination of intact natriuretic peptides in human plasma. Talanta, 126077.

Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
Via G. Moruzzi, 13 - Pisa, Italy
Corso di Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche e dei Materiali
Doctoral School in Chemistry and Material Science
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