cff2024We are pleased to announce the 8th edition of the Chemistry For the Future conference (CFF2024) that will take place from July 3rd to July 5th at the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry of the University of Pisa.
The programme includes:
• 7 Plenary Lectures;
• 18 Keynote Lectures;
• Several flash presentations and two poster sessions;
• Three scientific communications from companies;
• Social events (coffee breaks, happy hour, social dinner).

PhD students, undergraduate students, and research fellows will contribute with posters and the flash presentation sessions will offer an opportunity to describe the poster content through short oral communications. For more information, please visit the official website of CFF2024 at
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Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
Via G. Moruzzi, 13 - Pisa, Italy
Corso di Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche e dei Materiali
Doctoral School in Chemistry and Material Science
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