Campinoti Caterina

39th cycle [2023-2026]

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Prof. Marco Lessi, Dr. Antonio Del Vecchio

Title of the PhD project
Sustainable Approaches for the Synthesis and Functionalization of Heterocycles

Abstract of the PhD project
The synthesis and functionalization of heterocycles is a continually expanding research field of organic chemistry, playing a pivotal role for the preparation of key structures in many biologically active compounds and functional materials. Over the past decades, the demand for novel and more efficient synthetic methodologies has been coupled with the necessity to adopt more sustainable approaches, aiming to minimize waste generation and environmental impact. Within this context, the application of electrochemistry to organic synthesis has emerged as a particularly intriguing strategy, representing an environmentally-benign alternative to conventional redox protocols and for the development of new radical-based transformations. On the other hand, mechanochemistry provides a novel approach to perform reactions, reducing dramatically the reaction time and the employ of toxic solvents. These techniques offer sustainable alternatives to traditional benchmark organic syntheses, having the potential to reveal, at the same time, unexplored reaction pathways for the discovery of new reactivities.
This PhD project will focus on the investigation of sustainable approaches for the synthesis and functionalization of heterocycles. Specifically, oxidative transformations will be targeted via electrochemical approaches, while mechanochemistry will be exploited for the investigation of redox-neutral and reductive reaction pathways. Special emphasis will be placed on C-H activation reactions to achieve regioselective formation of new C-C and C-heteroatom bonds.

Oral communications at conferences
• Campinoti, C.; Sardelli, F.; Bellina, F.; Di Bari, L.; Lessi, M.; Zinna, F.; “Novel Azole-based Chromophores for Optoelectronic Applications”, CINMPIS Days, 7-9 February 2024, Bari (Italy)

Poster communications at conferences
• Campinoti, C.; Sardelli, F.; Bellina, F.; Di Bari, L.; Lessi, M.; Zinna, F.; “Novel Azole-based Chromophores for Optoelectronic Applications”, CFF - Chemistry for the Future, 28-30 June 2023, Pisa (Italy)


Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
Via G. Moruzzi, 13 - Pisa, Italy
Corso di Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche e dei Materiali
Doctoral School in Chemistry and Material Science
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