Campi Cecilia

39th cycle [2023-2026]

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Supervisor Prof. Ilaria Degano, cosupervisor prof. Ilaria Bonaduce

Title of the PhD project
Development of analytical tools for assessing the impact of conservation treatments on textiles

Abstract of the PhD project
Abstract of the PhD project: This PhD project is an integral part of the MOXY Project, which aims to develop a non-contact cleaning system tailored for cultural heritage (CH) using Atomic Oxygen (AO). The AO cleaning process is of particular interest when delicate works of art cannot withstand traditional cleaning methods.
The primary focus of this research is to explore the impact of AO exposure on the chemical, physical, and optical characteristics of textiles. To achieve this goal, a comprehensive analytical study will be conducted on mock-up samples both before and after AO exposure. The mock-up samples will be dyed using both photostable and less photostable dyes, facilitating the observation of distinct material behaviors following AO cleaning treatments. Furthermore, AO treatment will be extended to various textile types (velvet, cotton, leather, metallic threads etc …) to assess the versatility of this technology across a broad spectrum of materials. The investigative techniques, as spectroscopic and mass spectrometric techniques employed in this research will offer molecular information along with assessments of thermal stability and polymerization of the samples. Thermoanalytical techniques will be paramount in this regard. Insights into the surface appearance, fading and integrity will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the effects of AO exposure on diverse textiles. By employing this multi-analytical approach, the research aims to advance our knowledge on the potential applications and limitations of AO cleaning technology in the realm of textile conservation.

Academic Fields and Disciplines (SSD), main and secondary

MOXY project - Green Atmospheric Plasma Generated Monoatomic OXYgen Technology for Restoration of the Works of Art- Coordinated by Ghent University with a Horizon Europe grant in the call Green Technologies and Materials for Cultural Heritage: HORIZON-CL2-2021-HERITAGE-01-01 (grant agreement ID: 101061336)

Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
Via G. Moruzzi, 13 - Pisa, Italy
Corso di Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche e dei Materiali
Doctoral School in Chemistry and Material Science
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