Betti Elena

39th cycle [2023-2026]

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Dr. Lorenzo Cupellini and Prof. Benedetta Mennucci

Title of the PhD project
Simulation of exciton dynamics in photosynthetic supercomplexes

Abstract of the PhD project
Photosynthesis is probably one of the most important natural processes, powering, directly or indirectly, all life on Earth. The photosynthetic machinery is able to absorb energy from sunlight and transform it into chemical bonds of organic compounds. Such a delicate task is accomplished by means of biological antennas, complexes in which pigments are coordinated in high concentrations to a protein matrix which finely tunes their optical properties. In most photosynthetic organisms, antennas are grouped into modular architectures called supercomplexes, whose working details still remain elusive.
Recently resolved structures and new time-resolved spectroscopic studies are opening new questions about the excited state dynamics inside supercomplexes. Some suggest that structural modifications of the architecture interfaces may regulate the energy transfer process, determining the rate and efficiency with which the harvested light reaches the photosynthetic reaction centers.
The aim of this PhD project is to shed light on the present open questions by building a complete theoretical model for light-harvesting in photosynthetic supercomplexes. This requires developing new computational strategies, likely involving synergy of traditional QM/MM and most recently developed ML approaches, in order to overcome challenges due to the large dimension and complex nature of the system. A robust functional model of natural architectures may pave the way for future applications in artificial energy conversion.

Academic Fields and Disciplines (SSD), main and secondary

Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale
Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
Via G. Moruzzi, 13 - Pisa, Italy
Corso di Dottorato in Scienze Chimiche e dei Materiali
Doctoral School in Chemistry and Material Science
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